Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Consuming websevice in ADF with change in WSDL URLs between different Environments.

In projects where Web Services are consumed, most of the problems come when webservcies are deployed on different environments and url of Service/WSDL gets changed. In consuming application proxys are generated using on environment Service/WSDL and when application moves to another environments, the poxys need to consume the services deployed on that particular environment.

To achieve this requirement, there needs to be some mechanism or way where we can configure the environment Service URL in the consuming application and deploy the same to use the correct environment service.

Created a Simple Web Service and deployed it on both Local Integrated Server and Stand Alone server.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

ADF Logging in Different Applications Deployed on Managed Server

There are many detailed useful blogs on ADF Logging which provide full details on understanding the details and how to implement and configure it.

This post is for my future reference as how to enable/configure ADF Logging for multiple applications deployed on Weblogic Managed Server.

Use Case : Enable ADF Logging for multiple applications deployed on Weblogic Managed Server.

Lets Get Started.

Important thing to understand here is that for ADF Logging to be implemented correctly Package Structure for the application plays a very important role. So as a common/best practice , package structures should be defined correctly for all the Managed Beans/Java Classes in the application. Also packages structures should be able to differentiate the ManagedBeans/Java Classes in different applications.

Ideally a unique root package name for the application should be given at project creation time in Jdeveloper.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

ADF BC Web Service - Return List of Complex Types

ADF Business Components can be exposed as SOAP Services. Application Module provides Service Interfaces as a way to define operations for the services to be exposed. Custom methods written in AMImpl class can also be exposed as operation of web services.

But one of the limitation is that there is restriction on return types from the services exposed as service interface from Application Module.

In this post we will see how easily we can develop a web service using ADF BC Service Interface and can tweak/use one of the given returnType List<ViewRowImpl>  to return list of complex type object.

Use case here is to create an operation in ApplicationModuleImpl class to return List of Object consiting of three variables -  DepartmentName,ManagerId,IsManagerFlag and expose the operation as ADF BC Service Interface SOAP Service. (Jdeveloper

So Lets get started

Created a simple ADF Web Application using HR Schema and created DepartmentsEO , VO and AM and there respective Java Classes.

Create a Programmatic VO - WSResultPVO which will be returned from the operation of the WebService.