Thursday, March 14, 2013

af:query - Removing Attributes from "Add Fields" dropdown in advance search

Ok sometimes we needed to hide some of the attributes from "Add Fields " in the advance search of the af:query panel component.

Lets do this :-

HR Schema.
ADF application with Employees View Object.

Use Case :-

We have af:query search panel component. Clicking on Advance Search options , there is a button Add Fields which on the runtime , add attributes to the query/search options. So the use case is, some of the attributes can never come up in search parameters so they should not be shown in Add Fields list shown below.

So suppose attributes which are not required are :-

Ok So now just uncheck the property Named Queryable for attribute phone number in the Employees View Object as below.

And we are done. Below we can see our result. There is no PhoneNumber in search parameters neither it is available in the "Add Fields" List.

Hope this was useful !!


  1. What if we have DepartmentId and we don't want to show under Add button but DepartmentId is used to pass the values to next page? what can be the solution for this

  2. what if you want to use the attribute in the view criteria but do not want it to show up in the add field choice list in advanced mode?

  3. Your posts do not need to have sophisticated vocabulary.
