Sunday, August 24, 2014

Seeded Customizations using MDS in Oracle ADF

In the last post Personalization using MDS in Oracle ADF we saw the power of MDS Framework in Oracle ADF using which Users can personalize pages, components etc according to their own need. MDS saves these changes in MDS Store based on every user and applies on the runtime to the base document.

In Personalization, user is at the driver seat , changing things according to the needs. But there are cases where the application is developed and after there is a requirement of two different flavours of the same application. For example, there is a ADF application and there are two clients. One client wants some fields to be visible and some specific color settings while other client wants other fields to be hidden and different color settings. We can also put in this way, that one client want some regions (task flows) to be displayed and other client says other regions to be displayed.

Now in these cases the , making changes to the existing application will be difficult. Most common solution will be we create two versions of application , each version having specific changes required by the client. Hmm that works good for two clients but what will happen if there are hundreds, thousands of clients. One has to create / maintain same number of versions of applications. More to it, what will happen if there will be a common functionality change which needs to go to all versions. Maintenance will become a nightmare.

So by using Seeded Customizations provided by MDS, changes for specific needs / clients can be done on base document. There will be a single Base Application and changes corresponding to all the clients/layers will be done and these changes will be applied on runtime depending upon which client is using it..

Friday, August 15, 2014

Personalization using MDS in Oracle ADF

Personalization for the users is the most wanted features in Enterprise applications nowadays. This gives user good experience and makes him to decide what and how he needs to see things in Enterprise Applications .

This post we will see how can we do User level Personalizations in Oracle ADF Applications and steps to configure it.

Example uses Jdev Lets get started !

Created a simple ADF Application. Created BC from HR schema consist of EmployeesEO/VO and DepartmentsEO/VO and AppModule.

Implemented ADF Security. This is required since we are doing personalization for a particular user

Saturday, August 2, 2014

SecurityContext TaskFlowViewabe in ADF

Many times in our ADF Applications, we create Module workspaces which are specific to module and use these workspaces as ADF Shared Libraries in the Master Application. Master application has JSPX pages which uses adf task flows from shared libraries as regions in them.

While enabling ADF Security and granting permissions, authorizations are given to only Pages and task flows. There are other components on the page which also requires authorizations. For example Widgets/Buttons/Headers ,they should be shown to the user only when they are authorize to.

So for the above said use case, most common solution is SecurityContext which is provided by ADF Framework. Below code is being set to rendered/visible property.
